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2023-03-06 16:35:15文/董玉莹



第一部分 听力


1.Which story are the two speakers talking about?

3. What will the boy do first?

A. Make the bed. B. Sweep the floor.

C. Take out the rubbish.

4. What does Robert think of Harry Potter?

A. Exciting. B. Boring. C. Tiring.

5. Which restaurant will Mandy choose?

A. Yummy. B. Cindy's. C. Blue Sea.

6. Who went to the movie with Jenny?

A. Nobody. B. Her sister. C. Her cousin.

7. What are the children doing?

A. They are making signs. B. They are putting up signs.

C. They are reading signs.

8. What is wrong with Lilyˈs sister?

A. She has a bad cold. B. She has a fever.

C. She has a sore throat.

9. Where should Lily be tomorrow?

A. At the party. B. At home. C. At work.

10. When is Tom going to the museum?

A. On Saturday. B. On Sunday. C. On Monday.

11. How does Tom like doing chores?

A. Easy. B. Interesting. C. Difficult.

12. What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?

A. Driver and passenger. B. Teacher and student. C. Classmates.

13. What does Steven think of his bed?

A. Big. B. Comfortable. C. Beautiful.

14. Why does Steven have three bookcases in his bedroom?

A. Because his parents gave them to him.

B. Because he wants to buy many books.

C. Because he has got lots of books.

15. How long has Steven owned the old mirror?

A. For six years. B. For seven years. C. For eight years.



第二部分 英语知识运用


21. However busy Kevin is,he will some time for exercise every morning.That's why he always looks healthy.

A. waste B. spare C. require D. offer

22. I think this is a very deep river because the water is coming ________ my knees.

A. across B. against C. along D. above

23. —Do you know ________ umbrella this is?

—Oh,it's Peter's.Let's give it to him.

A. who B. what C. which D. whose

24. The teachers the office for a few minutes when we arrived.We didn't meet them.

A. have left B. had been away from

C. had been in D. left

25. -There isn't enough time to learn all these words.

-As long as you spare some time every day, I believe you can make it.

A. widely B. quickly C. nearly D. generally

26. ---You ordered newspapers for your father, right?

---Yes.______ is important for him to read newspapers every day.

A. This B. It C. That D. One

27. It's important to make a good plan, but what's more important is to ________ the plan you have made.

A. check out B. run after C. stick to D. think of

28. ---Our basketball team lost the game by only one score yesterday.

---Oh,___________ !

A. what a pity B. lucky you C. best wishes D. never mind

29. There won't be new basketball matches in our school before COVID-19 ________.

A. controls B. has controlled C. is controlled D. was controlled

30. As you listen, you can write down the key information such as names and numbers.


The will help you understand and remember what you hear.

A. notes B. photos C. letters D. bills



Pineapples are widely grown in Columbia.Columbian Andres Benavides and Claudia Barona31all the pineapples waste that was thrown away.Andres and Claudia32the environment,so they began to find ways to put the waste to good use.They made33from pineapple waste.They called their company Lifepack.

Andres and Claudia built a great working relationship with a local pineapple processing factory.They took away all its pineapple waste.The factory owner was34and charged (收费) them nothing.Production of the eco-friendly plates35and soon Lifepack could make about 10,000 every day.

It wasn't all that36,though.Lifepack charged about $2.5 for a pack of 12 plates.This was37twice as much as the price of plastic (塑料的) plates.Why would anyone38 more for plates they would throw away?Luck was on Lifepack's side.In 2017,the Columbian government started to collect taxes(税)on plastic products that would be used only once.Suddenly the eco-friendly plates became popular and Lifepack was in39.

Also,if you plant Lifepack plates in your garden after use,they40begin to grow.Then you can grow your own pineapples at home.How cool it is!

31. A. missed B. noticed C. shared D. cleaned

32. A. care about B. learn about C. lay out D. deal with

33. A. boxes B. bags C. books D. plates

34. A. happy B. nervous C. creative D. famous

35. A. failed B. changed C. remained D. started

36. A. boring B. easy C. new D. fair

37. A. hardly B. never C. almost D. always

38. A. pay B. spend C. use D. need

39. A. public B. control C. business D. trouble

40. A. may B. need C. should D. must


Bhola was the only child of his family.He had no interest in schoolwork and often made(41for not going to school.And he always asked his parents for money.

Ramlal was42his son.One morning,he said to Bhola, "If you can't make fifty rupees (卢比) today,you will have nothing to eat." Bhola went to his43and told the incident (事) to her.She took pity on him and gave him fifty rupees.Bhola was very44.He ran to his father and gave him the money.Ramlal said angrily," I45you to make money on your own."

Still,Bhola didn't take his father's words46.He again went to his mother and asked for money,but this time she refused.Feeling upset,Bhola sat in front of the house and started crying.A man47by and asked him why he was crying.Bhola replied, "My father said if I couldn't make fifty rupees today,he wouldn't48me to eat anything."

The man said, "Well,if you carry my luggage (行李) to the train station,I will49you twenty rupees." Encouraged by the job,Bhola also helped other passengers carry luggage.Finally,he made fifty rupees.Bhola gave the money to his father and said, "Dad,from now on.I'll study hard and50waste money." Ramlal was glad that his son had finally learned the value of hard work and money.

41. A. wishes B. excuses C. messes D. decisions

42. A. satisfied with B. proud of C. thankful to D. worried about

43. A. mother B. sister C. father D. brother

44. A. afraid B. angry C. happy D. shocked

45. A. advised B. taught C. promise D. required

46. A. clearly B. normally C. seriously D. carelessly

47. A. passed B. talked C. looked D. took

48. A. train B. allow C. order D. expect

49. A. pay B. spend C. lend D. return

50. A. always B. often C. seldom D. never



A: Great! We graduated!

B: Yes! 51 However, I also feel a little sad about saying goodbye to our teachers and classmates.

A: Me too. Have you experienced anything unforgettable during the past three years?

B: Of course.52 My friend Tom encouraged me to lose weight and he often exercised with me. Soon I became slim. What about you, Alice?

A: Once I got hurt, so I couldn't go to school. 53She also helped me a lot in my daily life.

B: 54

A: Yes. She is a really good teacher and I won't forget her.

B: By the way, what did you prepare for the coming graduation ceremony?

A: 55 And I will make slides(幻灯片) out of these photos.

B: It's great to show them to your teachers and classmates at the ceremony.



For many people,success means being rich.For some others,however,there are much more important things than money.

56. Why did Emmanuel leave for Kenya? ______

A. In order to write music.

B. In order to start Gua Africa.

C. In order to stay away from the war.

D. In order to get a good education.

57. Why did Paul give up his dream of becoming a professional sportsman?

A. Because he got hurt.

B. Because he loved writing better.

C. Because he lost interest in sports.

D. Because he didn't get support from his family.

58. What do Emmanuel and Paul have in common?

A. They both love singing.

B. They both come from Africa.

C. They both lost their family at a young age.

D. They both know the importance of education.


A big ship's engine(引擎) didn't work and no one could repair it.The ship's owner turned to an old man-an engineer who had 40 years of experience.He checked the engine very carefully.Then he took a small hammer (锤子) from his tool bag and gently knocked on the engine.Soon,the engine started to work again.

The engineer told the ship owner that the total cost was $10,000.

"What?!" the owner said. "You did almost nothing.Tell me why it costs so much."

"The answer is simple.Knock with a hammer:$2.Know where to knock and how to knock:$ 9,998," the engineer answered,"If I can finish a job in 30 minutes,it's because I spent 10 years,not the 30 minutes."

Hard practice for a long time can bring a success.Something that looks simple to you or me might actually take years of hard work.Actors,musicians and sports stars make their work look easy,but that's because they have been doing it for so long that it's easy for them.That's the price of knowledge.

59. What can we learn from the Paragraph 1?

A. The old man didn't like the ship's owner.

B. The old man was very experienced.

C. The old man had never fixed an engine.

D. The old man couldn't find the problem.

60. How did the owner feel when he heard the cost?

A. Happy. B. Surprised. C. Worried. D. Thankful.

61. What made it so expensive to fix the engine according to the old man?

A. The hammer was special. B. It took a long time to fix it.

C. The expensive ship. D. His may years of experience.


In the USA,many teachers keep fish,rabbits and other animals in their classrooms as class pets.They say the animals help students with their lessons.According to the American Humane organization,more than 70 percent of teachers who have classroom pets say the animals help students learn responsibility.Research also shows that classroom pets can reduce stress since they are fun to be with.

But others think pets should be expelled(排除) from classrooms.In January,2018,the Durango School District (学区)in Colorado put a ban (禁令)on class pets.Now animals can be brought into Durango schools for certain lessons,but they can't stay.Officials were worried that animals might create problems for kids with allergies (过敏反应).They also worried about whether the animals would get proper care.Here's what two students think.

Schools should ban pets because students might have a hard time paying attention to the teacher when there are animals in the classroom.Besides,being in a noisy classroom can be stressful for animals.Students might not know how to deal with them properly.They could drop them or feed them the wrong food.

--Patrick Having classroom pets gives students a fun way to learn about animals.In my class last year,we had a bearded dragon (鬃狮蜥)named Eliot as our class pet subjects.Pets also help kids learn how to work as a team.My classmates and I took turns feeding Eliot and cleaning his home.


62. How many advantages of having class pets are mentioned in Paragraph 1? ______

A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.

63. What are Durango schools asked to do?

A. To give proper care to class pets.

B. To stop giving classes using animals.

C. To give kids with allergies more attention.

D. To stop animals from staying in classrooms.

64. What can we know about Patrick?

A. He is a supporter of banning class pets.

B. He has trouble paying attention in class.

C. He is experienced in looking after class pets.

D. He doesn't like studying in a noisy classroom.


To stay safe, we have to sacrifice (牺牲) many things we enjoy because of COVID-19, including physical touch. Research has shown that humans need physical touch to stay healthy. Without it, many become lonely, sad and even sick. So, if you feel you need a hug, we know something you can safely put your arms around and hold close: a tree!

Tree hugging may sound a little strange. But humans have practiced forms of nature therapy (疗法) for years. The Japanese practice of Shinrin-Yoku is an example. Shinrin means forest in Japanese, and Yoku is the Japanese word for bath. But no soap or water is needed for Shinrin Yoku. All that nature bathing requires is spending time in nature: listening to its sounds, breathing in its air and connecting to its life force.

Recently, Israel has been encouraging tree hugging. The country's nature and parks agency agrees on the public health campaign. Orit Steinfeld is director of Israel's Apollonia National Park. She says, "In this special period, we encourage people around the world to go out to nature, take a deep breath, hug a tree, express love and get love." Inside the park, some visitors have followed the advice and hugged trees. Barbara Grant is one of them. She says, "The most basic human need is for connection, for touching, and for hugging."

65. What does the underlined sentence mainly tell us?

A. Sick people feel lonely from time to time.

B. People may get sick when they feel lonely.

C. Physical touch is very important to humans.

D. It's necessary for us to stay away from others.

66. The Japanese Shinrin -Yoku is mentioned to show that ______ .

A. nature therapy isn't a new idea

B. it's better to wash hands with soap

C. Japanese people are good with nature

D. tree hugging enjoys widespread popularity

67. In Orit Steinfeld's opinion, it's ______ for people to hug trees.

A. impossible B. helpful C. dangerous D. meaningless

68. What's the BEST title for the passage?

A. Different forms of physical touch.

B. The importance of physical touch.

C. The Japanese practice of Shinrin- Yoku.

D. Tree hugging—a form of physical touch.


Dealing with a nosebleed may seem simple. But recently, the British Red Cross asked parents with young children how to help a child with a nosebleed. About 65% of the parents did not choose the right way.

Learning to deal with a nosebleed is necessary. Here is the story of how Claire helped her daughter.

On a very hot and sunny day, Claire took her daughter Bella to the park. On the way home, Bella was tired and slept in the air. When they got home, Claire found that something was wrong. "As I was putting her down, blood started to pour from her nose. It was all over her face and that made me scared," Claire said. Having already learned first aid(急救), Claire knew what to do. "Bella was getting upset because of the blood, I sat her up, let her forward and pressed the side of her nose," Claire said."But my mom said I should tilt (使倾斜) Bella's head back. I knew that wasn't right, as leaning forward would stop the blood from going into her stomach."

Luckily, Bella's nosebleed stopped after a few minutes. Claire was glad that she remembered what she had learned. In fact, every parent should learn first aid. Then he or she can save his or her child in a right way. That's important to the child when something dangerous happens.

69. What can we learn about British parents from the first paragraph?

A. Most of them find it difficult to deal with a nosebleed.

B. Most of them are too busy to look after their children.

C. Most of them think it's easy to deal with a nosebleed.

D. Most of them don't know how to deal with a nosebleed

70. Why did Claire feel scared?

A. Because nobody was at home giving her a hand.

B. Because Bella was badly hurt and was going to die.

C. Because too much blood came out from Bella's nose.

D. Because she didn't know how to stop the nosebleed.

71. What does the underlined word "lean" mean in Chinese?

A. 倾斜 B. 倒塌 C. 直立 D. 倒下

72. How did Bella feel when she saw the blood?

A. Angry. B. Surprised. C. Unhappy. D. Unlucky.


Fiona was a very popular girl at school. She got on well with everyone. She was such a busy girl with so many friends that she hardly spent time with her friends for long. However, she felt very lucky as no other girl had so many friends at school.

But everything changed on National Friendship Day. On that day, everyone was having a great time, painting,and giving gifts at school. Fiona carefully chose three friends and sent out her presents. However,she didn't receive presents from these three friends, or any other one. Fiona felt terrible,and she cried for hours. Everyone came and tried to cheer her up. But each one only stayed for a short time before leaving. This was exactly what Fiona had done so many times to others. She realized that she had not been a true friend to anyone.

When Fiona got home that night, her mother talked to her, "You cannot buy friends with just a smile or a few good words. If you want true friends, you will have to give them enough time and love. For a true friend, you must always be there, in good times and bad." Hearing this, Fiona realized that it takes time and love to make true friends.

73. Why did Fiona feel lucky?(不超过 10个词)

____ __

74. What made Fiona cry on National Friendship Day?(不超过 10个词)

____ __

75. What did Fiona learn from her mother's words?(不超过 15个词)

____ __


76. Her p ______(苍白的) face has shown her bad health.

77. We were late for this exciting film,but l______(幸运) we didn't miss much.

78. Mike felt s ______ (困倦) when he stayed up to finish the report last night.

79. Only a few students in our class could a ______ (买得起) concert ticket.

80. After the race the sportsman was so t ______ (口渴的) that he drank lots of water in one go.


81. 生活不总是一帆风顺的。将近两年半的初中生活中,你经历过哪些失败和挫折呢?你又是如何面对它们的呢?请你根据以下提示和要求,并以"The Failure I Experienced"为题,结合自己的实际写一篇英语短文。




The Failure I Experienced

答 案

1-5.ACCAA 6-10.CACBA 11~15.BCBCA

16. Sad 17.driver 18.nineteen/19 19.argue 20.until

21-25.BDDAC 26-30.BCACA 31~35.BADAD 36-40.BCAAA

41~45.BDACD 46-50.CABAD 51-55.ACFDG 56~60.CADBB 61-65.DBDAC

66~70.ABDDC 71-72.AC

73.Because she had many friends at school.

74.She was the only one who hadn't received a present!

75.She realized that it takes time and love to make true friends.

76. pale 77. Luckily 78. Sleepy 69. Afford 80. thirsty。

81.The Failure I Experienced

Life is full of problems and challenges.The failure I experienced was that I didn't know how to make friends in a new place.

I used to be a shy person,so when I moved to a new school in Zhengzhou.I found it difficult to make friends.At first,I felt upset.One day,a girl called Linda in my class came to chat with me.She even told me some funny stories to make me laugh.Her warmth moved me deeply.With her help,I become more and more outgoing.We have become friends who share almost everything. I also have my own circle of friends. I feel lucky to have a friend like Linda.It's she that has changed my life I'll help people in need like her in the future.
